winegard carryout antenna not moving troubleshooting guide

Troubleshooting: Winegard CarryoutG3 Antenna: No Movement Issue

The Winegard Carryout antenna is designed for seamless satellite TV viewing on the go. However, if you encounter an issue where the antenna doesn't move when powered on, follow these troubleshooting steps:

1. Power Inserter Lights Check: See article on troubleshooting power inserter lights Troubleshooting Winegard Carryout Antenna: Power Inserter Lights

  • The power inserter has four indicator lights: PWR, VIN, RCVR, and ANT.
  • Make sure all four lights are lit.
  • If any of the PWR, VIN, or RCVR lights are off, there might be a power supply issue.
  • If the ANT light is off, it indicates a communication problem between the power inserter and the antenna.

2. Antenna Movement Verification:

  • If all power inserter lights are on, check if the antenna moves to search for a signal when powered on.
  • Try cycling the dip switches by putting them all up, down, back up, then setting them properly.
  • If it doesn't move, proceed to the next step.

3. Coax Cable and Connection Check:

  • The quality and length of the coax cable are crucial for power delivery to the antenna.
  • For troubleshooting, use the factory-provided 25' coax cable and connect it directly from the antenna to the ANT port on the power inserter, bypassing any coach wiring.
  • Power on the antenna and observe if it moves.

4. Analyzing the Results:

  • Antenna Moves: If the antenna moves with the factory coax cable and bypassed coach wiring, the system is likely functioning correctly. The issue might be with the coach wiring or a faulty coax cable.
  • Antenna Doesn't Move: If the antenna still doesn't move, further investigation is needed.

5. Dome Cover Removal and Light Check:

  • Remove the dome cover from the antenna and look for a specific light shown in the example picture.
  • Light is Lit: This indicates the antenna receives power and communicates with the power inserter. If the antenna still doesn't move, there might be an internal antenna failure. Submit a Support Ticket for further assistance.
  • Light is Not Lit: Proceed to the next step.

6. Voltage Test: See video on performing voltage tests

  • A voltage test is necessary to ensure the power inserter supplies adequate voltage for antenna operation.
  • The power inserter should output a minimum of 9VDC, which should also be present at the end of the coax cable at the antenna.
  • If the power inserter fails to provide the minimum voltage, it might need replacement. Submit a Support Ticket for further assistance.

Additional Tips

  • Optimal Antenna Placement: Ensure the antenna has a clear line of sight to the satellites. Obstructions like trees or buildings can hinder signal reception and prevent movement.
  • Coax Cable Length: The Carryout G3 can use a maximum of 50' of solid copper core RG6 coax cable, while the Carryout G2+ can use a maximum of 50' of Quad Shield RG6 coax cable. Using longer or lower-rated cables can impact power delivery.

Further Assistance

If you've followed these troubleshooting steps and the antenna still doesn't move, submit a Support Ticket for further assistance.

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