Troubleshooting: Winegard Router Antenna Status Not Connected

Troubleshooting: Winegard Router Antenna Status Not Connected

The "Antenna Status Not Connected" message appears on the control panel of a 1st Generation ConnecT system when the indoor and outdoor units fail to communicate. The primary culprit behind this issue is often a faulty Ethernet cable connecting these two units.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Replace the Ethernet Cable: The recommended solution is to try a different Ethernet cable between the indoor and outdoor units. You have two options for testing this:
    • Bring the indoor unit to the roof using an extension cord.
    • Bring the outdoor unit indoors.

Either of these approaches allows you to test with a different Ethernet cable without needing an excessively long cable.

  1. Submit a Support Ticket: If replacing the Ethernet cable doesn't resolve the "Not Connected" status, it's advisable to reach out to Winegard Customer Support for further assistance. They can provide additional troubleshooting steps or help determine if any components need replacement. You can contact them by phone at 800-288-8094 or via email at

Important Note: The "Antenna Status Not Connected" message is specific to 1st Generation ConnecT systems that utilize an Ethernet connection between the indoor and outdoor units. If you have a different Winegard system model, this troubleshooting guide may not be applicable. Refer to the documentation or support resources specific to your model for relevant troubleshooting information.

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